Which Diet Works Best?
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Calories In versus Calories Out, right? Wrong.

Back in 1956, a British doctor stationed in India made an important discovery: the same molecule that regulated fat metabolism in pregnant women could be used to regulate fat metabolism in those suffering from obesity.

According to Dr. Simeons there are 3 types of body fat:

  • Structural Fat
  • Normal Fat
  • Abnormal Fat

Structural fat cushions the body such as the fat on the bottom of the heel of the foot. Without this layer of fat, walking would be painful.

Normal fat is what the body stores when excess calories are consumed and is then metabolized (burned) for energy when there is a calorie deficit in the body (too few calories consumed for the energy expended).

Abnormal fat is what the body stores away and forgets about. Unable to metabolize this fat, it remains in all of those 'stubborn areas' of the body.

Dr. Simeons' theory about abnormal fat explains why diets usually fail.

When the body is in a calorie deficit, first to be metabolized for energy is the normal fat, and since the abnormal fat is inaccessible, next to go is the the muscle and structural fat.

Under normal circumstances (a healthy body with an efficient metabolism) any excess calories consumed are stored as normal fat. When there is a calorie deficit, this normal fat is then metabolized for fuel.

Not so with a metabolism that is damaged by years of eating sugar and over-consuming other unhealthy foods and drinks that can wreak havoc on the body's ability to store and access fat.

Dr. Simeons discovered that a damaged metabolism is unable to access the abnormal fat that has been stored away over the years and instead starts burning the structural fat and muscle when in a calorie deficit.

This is very undesirable for obvious reasons, and it explains why there is a loss of muscle mass and structural fat when dieting, while the stubborn fat doesn't go away. Extreme dieters may feel pain on the soles of the feet due to the loss of structural fat.

In the presence of this complex amino-peptide molecule, however, the body is once again able to access and metabolize the abnormal fat.

Dr. Simeons found a very small amount of this molecule triggered the metabolism of the abnormal fat when the body was in a calorie deficit. In other words, this molecule allowed the body to burn the abnormal fat that other diets couldn't target.

Additionally, the skin didn't sag as this abnormal fat was metabolized.

Each pound of body fat stores 3,500 calories, and with a healthy metabolism that is burning fat while in a calorie deficit, there is no feelings of hunger or low energy. In fact, the opposite.

Dr. Simeons Protocol involves eating a very calorie-restricted diet while taking some form of this molecule (usually as a supplement).

After spending more than a decade developing this diet protocol, Dr. Simeons set up practice in Rome in the 1970's treating wealthy patients. Through trial and error, Dr. Simeons identified which foods maximized abnormal fat metabolism.

He published his findings in his book "Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity" (<<<Click link for a free copy) and other doctors around the world began treating their patients with his protocol.

Still today people are having success with Dr. Simeons' diet protocol where other diets have failed them. However, the actual diet to follow is very restrictive and not for everyone.

Here's how it works:

The above is a summary of Dr. Simeons' Diet Protocol. For more information including detailed instructions go here.
Tuesday July 19th, 2022
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